Skill Development • Gameplay • Positive Environment
Level 2: 4-6 Year Old Child Only Class
Our Shooting Stars Basketball Clinic will be a great way to introduce your child to the gym and the game of basketball the ENERGIZE way.
This class will be 55 minutes in length.
The first 15 minutes of every class is focused on locomotor skill development, following directions, and spatial awareness. These dynamic warmups will help your child build coordination, focus, and confidence all within a very positive environment.
The following 25 minutes will be focused on skill development. Skills such as dribbling, passing, layups, and shooting will be the focus.
The last 15 minutes will be focused on gameplay. Students will participate in many game/play activities that allow them to build skillset and improve confidence. ALL students will be active and engaged during the entire class.
Our years of being in the gym with all ages has given us the opportunity to create a program and an environment that our youngest children can now thrive in. You do not lower the bar and expectations because they are young, but instead, we do the opposite and raise the bar. Children having fun and learning starts with one thing and that is great teachers. Our teachers are ready to make sure child’s first youth sports experience is a positive one.